Thursday, February 7, 2013

An Ode to Failure

The sunlit home
The face in the mirror stared
at an empty poker face
As the sunlit room dishes out
scented freedom into my closed space
Busily wringing my neck
was the tie’s tortuous knot play
I wish my mom was awake
to save her son on a red letter day

Sentimental Signs
As the empty corridors echoed
with the dance of dwarfish feet
The dead soul of a school came alive
as the tune got set to a mystic offbeat
Walking through the same old
weather beaten giant rosewood door
My nose wrinkled against the antique
aroma mingled with vinyl ; sadly so sour.
Among the four walls
Buzzing with life was the walled class
sunday flea market reflected on scene
Without regret the noise blared
to achieve it was a task no mean.
Abrupt silence struck the children
with the famed Hitler’s smirk
slicing away glee’s soul clean.
Hastily time froze over the place
with every second at an hour’s pace

                                            Young Brutus
As brutus portrayed a dreaded face
clutching his report, lost in a haze.
Whispers now spread like wild fire
of his famed yet startling failure
lying before his majesty’s volatile ire.
The drivel emptied in the papers
now grinned at his dismal state
                                    As my eyes groped for broken pride
                                    only tears I traced ; It was already late!!
My Quirky life
Peeping at the closed file of horror
with crossed fingers I anxiously await
His last trial our excellency held
as troubled luck tasted a feeble fate.
Dumbstruck I stared as his hand
scribbled the agonizing death note.
Sinking was my ship into awful waters
as history repeated with undying rote

The Ode
In his broken voice as brutus croaked  
“ Joy!!even you share my murky doom??!!”
I beamed in answer a sly smile
his scarlet eyes oozing a river of gloom.
Shouldering his troubled soul as I stood
“ between mirth and melancholy even if sore
you too brutus can partake my joy
for, nothing else is there to loose anymore “.

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