Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sinner’s Smoke

Engulfed in coils of a blurry haze
coughing swirls of silver clouds
His stubs of cigarettes lay dead
grey ashes stamping out any doubts
Blades of green in silence hid
her rainbow charm; a painter’s dream
Every attempt only swelled desire
for a hexed treasure’s enticing gleam
Profanity lashed out in contempt
blood shot eyes spitting crimson fire
Her $#!@! image only adding fuel
prancing and stoking his burning ire

Against his wish; a fight for freewill
for, too morbid was the survival rate.
Her addictive smiles had lit his pyre
as love strangled his gullible fate.

Invisible barriers already had risen
his hell and distant heaven riven apart.
A fatal choice hung over haplessly
in darkness as his voyage coursed its chart.

As every shard reflected a face
gaunt and ravaged; unknown to him.
regret flashed as a lightning strike
For, only doom embraced his subtle whim.
Glancing back at his life in ruin
only smoke filled his mortal remains
Fancying a second chance; a diseased wont!
never too late it is to cleanse sinful stains.

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