Thursday, February 7, 2013

Quirks of the masculine seed

Circus of troubled thoughts
His dirty hands now firmly held
Two a silver coin; his only fortune.
Cursing his fate he slyly smiled; at
the joker’s nose; a beaming moon.
Eyeing the candy of rainbow blue,
His heart yearned of sucking it too.
Alas! irony of fate had the last laugh
as his love lay divided equally in half.

                                               The story of enchanted woods
Amidst those willows my soul rests
not dead but lost in a dirty trance.
Her faint touches left visible stains;
brown barks now reeked of romance.
T’was my only path to choose for life,
either riches or rags soaked in love.
None any more sweeter than another,
Was she a boon or bane from above??

Wrinkles that never fade
In faded colors of promises all broken
smothered was his grey memoir frame.
Embellishing battle scars he accounted for
was a war waged in forging a worldly name.
Numbing his senses came the acute pain,
the malaise in his chest counting his time.
The final choice now lay at his feet, to
Live in agony or embrace death’s rhyme.
Her Majesty’s revelry
If it wasn’t the hug of a cute Barbie
there always was a charming Cinderella.
A cold Edward if couldn’t make it on time,
she was the ever sunny Taylor’s silly bella.
Her grey strands of age never could falter
until her makeup masked the furtive liar.
Two decades of toiled life went unseen;
t’was the youthful dame or the ol’ sire.

The Bitter pill
 Caught in the ever looming cycle
Of twisted fate and destiny’s war.
Never has one so slaved alike
a gutsy man; none went any far.
Every instance of a plaguing doubt,
Yo! women leave it as a silly impasse.
Where we fight for utter survival; you
bask in loaned glory like tinted glass.

PS: A slapstick treatise on the hardships of man spanning his childhood to an age of senility. This in no way was an attempt to disparage the status of any woman. I just tried my hand at lampoonery. Hope people appreciate the fun element rather than the utter meaning the poem relishes in.

It portrays the difficult choices a man has to make as a kid - choosing between the candy and the joker’s show; as the man confused at the path his career laid before him or to follow his love; as an old man battling against a disease or greet death with a smile.
Whereas a woman on the other hand always has an equally sweeter option right from the Barbie to the man she dates. (please excuse me!!)

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