Friday, February 8, 2013

The Last Rites

Twin images born of a single womb,
Yet a lonely sojourn to its catacomb.
Wallowing in the murky brown earth,
His only petty priceless past time.
Now lies barren with a carcass
bloody scarlet wailing in mime.
As his mirror image now gambols,
in pursuit of its own spotted black tail.
Tears of gloom wet the ground,
aghast mother under her dead son’s veil.
Sparklingly clean would now be
the dusted sideway devoid his footprints.
Cries of the salesman now hushed
as "TROUBLE" lay dead; no slightest hints.
Silence now pines in the streets,
his barks echo heaven's corridors alone.
Forgive me O canine friend,
Deaf I was to your painful moan.
A fraternal bond was unfairly broken
death denying any wish or will.
My oath to your brother against the world
Till the final walk to the grave stands still.

PS: In memory of an unknown mongrel whom death denied the chance to know :(

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