Thursday, February 7, 2013

The SATAN in GOD’s Mask

Whence Journey began
Pervading the defense of a sleepy virgin glade
was an evil - hands of dusk in perversion’s stain.
None to the rescue, unaware she was slyly caught,
clothed in inadequate yellow she moaned in pain.
The cold cruel wind gnawing at her torn soul,
the heavens shed tears at the treasure night stole.
As forsaken times invaded the innocent woods,
into them came the untainted shadow of a man.

                                                              Cradling in her arms
Angels put to shame and every breath stumbled.
Crushed pine juice lingered on her brazen lips.
Intoxicated breeze twirled in her zesty curves,
whistling romantic duets at her scented kiss.
The moist brown crust at her touch shivered
in the aftermath of sensing her sensual skin.
Caressed inches of his loins feverish with lust;
A serpent was seen, beauty in twisted divine sin.

Smoldering grey wisps of pleasure
Born of the vibrant sun and the velvet blues
life abounded in wriggling nerves of green.
As age swallowed it's tender sap; dirty ochre
now smiled through the wrinkled face so lean.
Desires now delved deeper; life wasn't any bliss
for, now God's right arm bent at his will into fire.
Musty vapors of weed smoked in pipes of doom
stripped morals, as he slipped into ashes of a mire.

                                                             Tryst with a trusted enemy
Groping darkness each step overtook another,
the troubled mind attempted to clear the haze.
Stench of the devil stuck deep in his throat now
strangled; an entwined slave to the eternal maze.
Repentance? Nah! Reason mocked his existence,
deeds done at the devil’s lair haunted his sense.
Remorseless was he; in peace still he could sing,
blasted bloated ego; the daddy of all misgiving.

The higher motive that he hid

Behold O son, let not vileness engulf thee
follow me .Hold my hands as I set you free.
Know not any fear for a sinner alive in you,
He will answer; In time to hell’s routine too. 
Pray, let your fervor rhyme in a mystic chant,
worry not; watch me play GOD while you cant.
Wrongs were done and I shall set them right,
let me slay darkness and there would be light.

PS: An innocent human walks his journey through the woods called life and meets three spirits called Lust, Smoke and Ego. At the end of his journey when his soul reaches heaven, God assuages his fears (for his acquaintances were none but the devil in different forms)and calms him saying that repentance would soon follow.

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