Thursday, February 7, 2013

Insomnia ~ A Distant Dream

The yellow phosphor bulb
had a distinct glow tonight.
Under its sepia curtain hung
a life hung on a beam so light.

As the swirling circles his fan
pushed him to a psychic cloud.
Roar of the machines came to life
ruined the moment, noise so loud.

As he again for a millionth time
wished the shadows played in dark.
His exam fears haunted him for life,
kindled spirit tainted by their mark.

Mammoth systems spewing oil
flooding his match-box of a room.
Splashing in their midst was a soul
caught between dream and a doom.

Papers flying under the weight
compel him back to the real deal.
Exam date crossed on the calendar
pops up; as lethargy bows to kneel.

Time had come to again prove
his mettle at the devil’s altar.
Turbine propulsions needed boost
when the final stand couldn’t falter.

Burning the candle his lonely mind
solved puzzles, a maze of amperes.
His pencil stub was on a rampage,
piercing inches with steely spears.

Eyes burned with a sole purpose,
desire to kill adversaries on field.
As he honed every skill, perfecting
the art to wield the heavy shield.

Tomorrow was the D - day
when they would finally meet.
Silver tongue would spit fire,
burning any enemy in its heat.

As the window meekly creaked to
a breeze lightening his sullen mood.
Pictures of a lady in flimsy silk,
his mind wavered to silently brood.

As her charms warmed his soul,
his cold corner lit with a flame
ablaze, revitalized. For, the detour
had cleared any remnants of haze.

Murky azure curtains lifted a veil
as solid gold kissed his eyes asleep
Dew drops on his window dripped
As if the sky for his cause did weep.

The sin was in silence committed
at the devil’s feet, his spirit bent.
A drug of sleep and a witch’s smile
Were the culprits; the evil serpent.

Diffidence as his only cloak; his destiny
ashen with loss, a zero rounded the ace.
Smiling was now the evil duchess; yet
another sheep fell at her heavenly grace

PS: A soul spending the night before an exam and the way his spirit dawdles to finally fall for the invincible enemy - Sleep!!

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